Start putting aside that outgrown kid’s clothing to make room in your closet for new duds at the Park Slope Parents Clothing Swap, coming up on Saturday, May 3 from 10am to noon at The Old Stone House, 336 3rd Street.
The swap works like so: You bring clean, gently used toddler, big kid clothing, books, maternity items, strollers, etc. (but no toys!) to swap, and then you can look through other people’s items, organized by size and gender when possible, and you take as much as you brought. If you’re pregnant and don’t have something to swap, no worries — you’re welcome to show up empty-handed, as the most frequently leftover items after the swap are for newborns.
Anything left at the end of the day will be donated to CAMBA, The Family Justice Center, Room to Grow, and other organizations.
Entry costs $5 for members of Park Slope Parents, and $10 for non-members.